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Das musikalische Hörspiel zum Mitmachen und Mitsingen _edited.png

Kopfhörer auf und los gehts in die fantastische Welt der Musik. Wir nehmen dich mit auf eine Reise zu Liedern, Instrumenten, Tanz und deiner eigenen Stimme. Mach dich bereit auf ein wundervolles Abenteuer zum Hören und Mitmachen!

Höre dir gleich hier die ersten Folgen an:

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The favorite songs of Ohrenspielerei - sung and played by us.

Autumn brings many new things,
the same is true here with us.
Visit our YouTube playlist and sing songs (that you probably already know) with us!


Since May 2022, Dodo is now allowed to perform live on stage with us and invite you to an exciting musical adventure.

The Dodo Children's Concert

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Marie-Theres Richtsfeld

... after training as an elementary teacher, she completed her studies in elementary music and dance education at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with a focus on singing. She is currently completing her master's degree in rhythmics at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In addition to her studies, she works with children's groups at music schools and kindergartens and pursues her own artistic projects.

In the audio play “Dodo auf der Suche nach der Musik” she lends her voice to the narrator.

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Marie-Kristin Burger

... is a musician and music and dance teacher from Nuremberg. After her studies in EMTP and jazz flute, she now works as a teacher for holistic music making, ensembles, bands, flute and percussion in a school and freelance context. You can experience her on stage with her bands, in ensemble concerts and in theater performances, among others.

She lends her voice to Dodo in the audio book "Dodo auf der Suche nach der Musik".

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If you like this radio play and would like to support Dodo and our work on further episodes and radio plays, we would be very happy to receive a donation.

Simply use this Paypal QR code or the button directly!




We send you a big virtual hug!

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I really like the audio play, I'm excited to see what happens in the second episode!

Carla, 7 Jahre

  • Ohrenspielerei @ Instagram
  • Ohrenspielerei @ youtube
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